Committee Chair: Laura Mitchell
WELCA does many projects to help the World, Country, State, Community as well as our Congregation. We support the Synod with donations from our free will offerings at each meeting. Also, from the offering we help to fund a Thanksgiving meal through Women’s Safe House in Kingsport. We also support other various charities throughout the year.
The primary work of WELCA is to provide Health Care Kits to Lutheran World Relief. Through donations of supplies from members of our congregation, we are able to provide >200 kits each year. Each kit contains a toothbrush, dark colored bath towel, two bath-size bars of soap, a pair of large toenail clippers and a wide tooth comb.
The Virginia Currens Circle is a Guild of long-standing at HTLC. Acting as WELCA (Women of the ELCA), before the current COVIC-19 pandemic this group met on the second Monday of each month at 1:00 PM in the Gathering Room of the church. The meeting opened with prayer, followed by a short program or devotional, and end with fellowship & refreshments. Four times a year, a “work” meeting was held where the Health Care Kits were assembled. In August of each year, an “indoor” picnic is held and in December a Christmas luncheon is held.
New women are always welcome to join for a time of fellowship and an opportunity to help others!
Please peruse the display table in the Gathering Room re: the Health Care Kits for LWR that ladies of WELCA put together, as well as some of our other projects supported by WELCA - the Kingsport Battered Women’s Safe House Thanksgiving dinner, greeting cards for local area health care residents, aluminum pull tab collection to benefit the Tri-Cities Ronald McDonald House.